
Street Soccer Is Coming Back..

The FAI & Fingal City Council have launched a new and exciting Street Skills football program. We regularly talk about kids not playing street football anymore and how the games we played as kids were some of the most influential in terms of developing game intelligence. This new method is trying to achieve just that.

Press release 24/02/14

FAI/FCC announce new Street Skillz program in partnership with Swords Pavilions

Exciting new Football participation program is planned for a number of venues in Fingal through the FAI/Fingal County Council and its partnership with Swords Pavilions. Following on the success of “Road to Poland”, “Road to Rio” is a new program called FAI Street Skillz. It is based on street games such as heads and volleys, world cup, three and in, football tennis, futsal and it’s like. It has been devised to ensure participants can enjoy their football with an exciting twist. 10 lucky participants from each venue will then attend a Street Skillz fun day in Swords Pavilions later on in the year.

Commenting on the program Paul Keogh FAI/Fingal County Council Development officer added,

“This new FAI/FCC Street Skillz program has the potential to be hugely successful. The format is for kids to turn up and play, recreating the street games us adults would have played in our youth. We often say let the game be the teacher and this program certainly allows for that. It is open to boys and girls born 2002, 2003, 2004 & 2005 and is starting firstly in Skerries Community Centre all weather on the 3rd March from 430pm-6pm. The support from Swords Pavilions has to be acknowledged and their continued support will mean we can deliver our programs in more area’s in Fingal”

Ian Hunter, Centre Director of Swords Pavilions added,

“We are delighted to continue our support of FAI/FCC with the development of the new Street Skillz program in Fingal. It is a fantastic opportunity for the younger kids of the area to learn new skills in an environment that encourages them to give it a go no matter their current skill level. We are also delighted that the program will hold a fun day in at the centre latter in the year to celebrate the skills learnt”

All you have to do, is turn up and play!


I always like to hear your opinions. Please comment below or email me If, you don’t have anything to add then please forward this on to a friend. Thanks for reading. I’m also on twitter @Coachdiary

Futsal Irish Grassroots Football

Futsal for all, with the NDSL!

Gormanston was packed last weekend for Futsal fever. Hard to believe, but it has actually been running for 6 years now in conjunction with the FAI, NDSL and Fingal Sports Department. With over 50 teams from 35 clubs participating this is the biggest Futsal Festival in the Country. Last weekend was week 3 of 6, running from 10am to 4pm, which is fantastic for the 6 weeks and the kids involved but why we aren’t’ rolling out futsal fixtures for the entire year??!!

Paul Keogh

A few weeks back Paul Keogh from the FAI, put on an introduction to Futsal for all coaches, ensuring they were aware of the rules and the importance of focusing on learning and improving within the game. A new rule brought in this year for teams who were losing by more than 3 goals is to introduce an extra man to bring the score back to two before the teams would return to a 5v5 game. A rule that is being considered by the NDSL for games played on grass.

Futsal is the game that likes of Xavi, Iniesta, C.Ronaldo, Figo, Messi, Coutinho, Naymar to name some started with, before they moved to outdoor football. I grew up with Futsal, so I know the benefits and to be honest it’s not hard to see.

Futsal Clubs in NDSLKudos to the NDSL, Fingal Sports Dept, Paul Keogh and the team for continuing with the module, when many leagues around the country don’t give it a look-in. If we are serious about improving kids technique and game intelligence then Futsal will have to be taken more seriously and rolled out across the country in schools and clubs.


I always like to hear your opinions. Please comment below or email me If, you don’t have anything to add then please forward this on to a friend. Thanks for reading. I’m also on twitter @Coachdiary



FUTSAL is back!

There will be a Futsal meeting for NDSL u8 coaches tomorrow evening (Thursday 21st, November 2013). The 6 week FAI/NDSL futsal module is due to start this Saturday in Gormantson college for all u8 NDSL teams.

When: Thurs 21st Nov

Where: NDSL HQ (Oscar Traynor)

Time: 8PM-9PM


Open to all if interested in futsal, and wish to learn more about its benefits and wish to attend very welcome.

For more information contact:

Paul Keogh

FAI Development Officer – Fingal

Football Association of Ireland

National Sports Campus


Dublin 15

Mobile – 0860444435

Email    –

Twitter – @FAIreland


I always like to hear your opinions. Please comment below or email me If, you don’t have anything to add then please forward this on to a friend. Thanks for reading.

I’m also on twitter @Coachdiary