Irish Grassroots Football UEFA

TCD have teamed up with Tactx to offer YOU…

Brought to you by UEFA Training GroundTactX is the revolutionary subscription based on-line coaching software which produces realistic 3D animations generated from motion capture software. With a TactX subscription you can create training drills & practice sessions, plan formations & set plays using an intuitive control system. Text annotation can be added to emphasis key coaching points and drills can be viewed from multiple camera angles.

Click here to view how TactX is being used in the Premiership

Click here to view TactX being used on FourFourTwo Performance


Subscribers also have access to TactX Board which allows them to communicate their animated sessions with players and colleagues.  Group areas can be created, such as First Team, Under 19s, Under 17s etc and populated with e-mail details for all relevant group members.  TactX Animations, diagrams and images can then be posted on your TactX Board page and the link shared with your groups via password protected e-mail links.

Click here to view an example post to players using TactX Board. (Password required is tactX)


TactX Animations can also be converted to Video Files with purchase of a TactX Video Exporter which offers further user benefits.  TactX Video files can be viewed out-with the TactX software, inserted into offline presentations or even  displayed on portable devices such as  iPhone or iPad. Users who wish to post their TactX Animations on websites or use in commercial projects can also apply for a TactX publishing licence.

Click here to download the latest TactX Features Demo as a MP4 Video file.


TactX provides the coach with a modern method of communication to help with their own personal development and of that of their players.

**Extended Limited Offer for The Coach subscribers

Contact TactX Development Executive, Steven Hastie using the details below and quote “TCD TactX” to purchase an annual TactX subscription for only €99 (27c per day)saving 10% against standard subscription costs.


This offer is valid until 31st December 2011 and is made possible through UEFA’s commitment to coach education and player development.

You must mention The Coach QUOTE……. “TCD TactX


Steven Hastie

T.+44 (0)1224 217390


UEFA Study Group – Switzerland

Below you will find the UEFA Study Group reports from the Danish and Norwegian Football Associations. The reports are all about Grassroots football in those respective countries.

Grassroots The Danish Plan

Grassroots The Norwegian Plan

Irish Grassroots Football UEFA

11 Values

The following are UEFA 11 core Values – Which Value to you relate with and why, any comments on these VALUES? Has your club and league got Values and if not, ask why?

Value 1

Football First – In everything that we do, football must always be the first and most important element that we take into consideration. Football is a game before being a product, a sport before being a market, a show before being a business

Value 2

Pyramid structure and subsidiarity – At international and European level, the autonomy of sport is reflected by the pyramid structure of football. FIFA, UEFA and the national associations work hand in hand, while respecting the principle of subsidiarity. This allows us to defend the interests of football in the best possible way.

Value 3

Unity and leadership – UEFA does not operate by dictate. We will continue to show strong leadership but operate in a spirit of consensus. In addition to the national associations, we will involve all stakeholders (leagues, clubs, players) in the decision-making process in European football, in particular through the Professional Football Strategy Council, so that the Executive Committee can take the right decisions. And we will aim for closer relations with football fans, without whom there would be no professional game.

Value 4

Good governance and autonomy – UEFA and its member associations are committed to good governance. Good governance means openness, democracy, transparency and responsibility. In this spirit, UEFA defends the autonomy of sports structures, so that football bodies – with national associations in the lead – are the ultimate decision-makers in matters concerning football, with no undue interference from governments.

Value 5

Grassroots football and solidarity – Football is based on the grass roots, played everywhere by men and women, boys and girls. The top professional level is just the tip of the iceberg. UEFA will continue with, and even strengthen solidarity, both to protect the future of football and to deliver the wider benefits that our sport brings to society as a whole. And it is also because the strength of football lies in its grass roots that we have to preserve the local, regional and national identities of our game, always in accordance with the law.

Value 6

Youth protection and education – As governing body of European football, UEFA has both a sporting and a moral responsibility. The international transfer of minors entails many risks. Let’s not forget that players under the age of 18 are children or adolescents. We want to protect the future of children in football and stop them being uprooted to foreign countries when they are much too young”.

Value 7


Sporting integrity and betting – Betting is a source of funding but also a risk for football, especially to the integrity of competitions. It is only right that football obtains its fair share of income from betting. However, our primary focus must continue to be a total commitment to protecting sporting integrity and the proper running of our competitions, in order to preserve the true spirit of our game.

Value 8

Financial fair play and regularity of competitions – UEFA supports fair play both on and off the pitch. Financial fair play means that clubs operate transparently and responsibly, to protect both sporting competition and the clubs themselves. Financial fair play means clubs not getting into a spiral of debt to compete with their rivals but rather competing with their own means, ie the resources they generate.

Value 9

National teams and clubs – National team and club football are vital and complementary elements of football. UEFA will remain committed to ensuring that this balance is maintained and even strengthened, as the development of our game at national, European and international level depends on it.

Value 10

Respect – Respect is a key principle of football. Respect for the game, integrity, diversity, dignity, players’ health, rules, the referee, opponents and supporters. Our message is clear: zero tolerance against racism, violence and doping. Football unites people and transcends differences. The colour of the skin is invisible under the jersey and, for UEFA, this will always be so. Racism and any other forms of discrimination will never be tolerated. UEFA will not tolerate violence either on the pitch or in the stands. Football must set an example…Football has a long way to go before we can say we set the example….Rugby sets all the examples in SPORT today..

Value 11

European sports model and specificity of sport – UEFA is a European body and we remain totally committed to the European model of sport, a model characterised by promotion and relegation, the solidarity principle, as well as open competitions and opportunity for all. This is what sport – and especially football – is all about. We have to protect this model because sport is not simply a business like any other and we cannot allow it to be treated as such. We will continue to defend the specificity of sport and are convinced that our arguments will prevail for the good of football.

These values are great, but soccer both pro and amateur has a long way to go before they can convince me that these values actually exist! A platform to build on, which is something.

Research –