Irish Grassroots Football NDSL - Small sided Game

NDSL open to change

The NDSL want a Gathering was the message on the front of the Striker on Monday. Once again the NDSL highlight their desire for change and this time asking other leagues to get involved. A welcome gesture by Tony Gains Hon. Secretary/C.E.O of the North Dublin Schoolboys/Girls League.

I spoke with Tony the day after ‘The future of Youth development in Irish Football’ talk at Blanch IT and we spoke how the NDSL could really create the platform for change and it’s great to see Tony has taken the next time and welcoming other leagues to join in.

We all know the politics of Irish football, you only have to look at the divide between SFAI and FAI. it’s time to push this to the side and really start working towards change, with everyone progressing in the right direction.

NDSL ‘letter’ to all the Leagues in Ireland.


10 April 2013

Dear Secretary

This has been on my mind for a number of months – that I cannot remember the last time we as a league spoke to other leagues in relation to underage football.

I am sure that most leagues would have the same problem running leagues whether you are in Donegal or Dublin.

I believe there is an opportunity there at the present moment for the officers of each league to come together every two months to discuss football matters as to what is relative to each league and how we can improve underage football and how do we see underage football progressing in next 3 years.

I think it would be a worthwhile exercise for the officers of each league to discuss relevant topics or football matters i.e.

  • Funding /Grants
  • Competitions
  • Structures
  • E.T.P.
  • SFAI
  • Scouts
  • Summer Football
  • & any other relevant topics that leagues would like to air their views

The suggestion is that maybe the officers of each league should get together without the politics of football and genuinely discuss the future of schoolboy football in Ireland.

I hope there are like-minded leagues that have similar views to the NDSL and they would see the benefit in holding these meetings and as I have already stated keep the politics out.  Let’s have a discussion for the benefit of boys and girls who play football.

Since the suggestion has come from the NDSL, we would only be too happy to host the meeting and should you be interested, please contact me at

Yours in sport,

Tony Gains

Hon. Secretary/C.E.O.

North Dublin Schoolboys/Girls League

I really hope that other leagues will accept Tony’s offer and join this gathering for change, a change we so badly need.

PS. I’m not affiliated to any league.

Irish Grassroots Football NDSL - Small sided Game

“IS féidir linn.” – NDSL Take a huge step in the right direction..

“IS féidir linn.” Barack Obama tested out the Irish translation of the iconic ‘yes we can’ phrase which swept him into the White House.

It was an extraordinary day, a flash of green amid the global gloom, a beacon of hope in the midst of much change. And a sign that America will stand side by side with us as we strive to overcome the greatest economic challenge in our history. Being the week that it was it would be rude not to add my contribution to Americas President coming HOME! lol

“The NDSL the most forwarding thinking League in Ireland”

Now the NDSL has said “Yes we can” and decided to be the first Dublin league and I believe league in Ireland to make changes for the benefit of the kids that play and how we welcome these changes.

The format was taken from a recent trip to UEFA headquarters in which consisted of looking at models in place on the small sided games in Switzerland, Norway, Denmark and other Europen countries. This model is based on the European System of the highly successful GERMAN syllabus of underage Coaching.

This is  huge step in Irish football and one that is very much welcomed by me.

The Format

As you know from my posts, in Europe their is a huge emphasis on non-competitive small sided games and most of the clubs operate a blitz style league, where clubs travel within their district  every weekend and one club acts as the host club. The following week another club will act as host club and so on. There are no tables or trophies ceremonies.

The new NDSL format is very flexible and will be similar to the most European systems were  “quote”

Age 4s,5s & 6s play 3v3s – Age 7s & 8s play 5v5s – Age 9s & 10s play 7v7s – Age 11s play 9v9s and then you move to 11 aside football at age 13s.

Player Development is the winner…

The game is purely focused on game & player development, Players get roughly 2 hours of football games, with a player getting as much as 500 touches of the ball. No results are recorded and Coaches told to “let the kids play” no coaching on the sideline and parents are kept away from side of pitch.

The concept is to “Give the game back to the kids”. This will not take away kids winning mentality, kids will always have that, but it will stop winning at all costs mentality from coaches and parents.

The Focus is on Technique and getting kids more touches of the ball, which in turns makes it FUN for all that play, kids become better ball players.

Bloody Good Job

NDSL Honary Secretary Tony Gains, League Academy Director John Farrell and Technical Director Mitch Whitty and all the NDSL staff I salute you, for this very forward thinking and innovative step towards player development with player development the main focus. In fact the NDSL set up an underage committee 2 years ago with the aim to change the structure of the small sided games, this is something that the Under age committee have been working on for some time and they will continue to monitor the changes going forward.

The Underage Committee members are Pat Reilly,  John Broughan, Brendan Renwick, Mick Bolger, Matt McGoldrick, Yvonne  Cooper.

The NDSL will be running a workshop to help clubs, managers and coaches adjust to the new setup, see their site for further information.

“There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction”

If anyone wants Norway’s and Denmarks Grassroots Football plan click on this link

Next week I will be speak to Honorary Secretary Tony Gains of the NDSL league

P.S Please tell me what your league is doing?